Children’s Play Furniture


Colorful mini furniture.

Compatibility: ArchiCad 7.0 and up



This 8 object set of children’s furniture includes a kiddie chair, easy chair, rocking chair, coffee table, side table, sofa, stool, and table.

Object parameters include:

Kiddie Chair
> chair material
> leg resolution

Kiddie Coffee Table
> choose materials for horizontal wood pieces, vertical wood pieces, and wood edge material.

Kiddie Easy Chair
> choose materials for horizontal wood pieces, vertical wood pieces, wood edge material, and cushion material.

Kiddie Rocking Chair
> choose materials for horizontal wood pieces, vertical wood pieces, and wood edge material.

Kiddie Side Table
> choose materials for horizontal wood pieces, vertical wood pieces, and wood edge material.

Kiddie Sofa
> choose materials for horizontal wood pieces, vertical wood pieces, wood edge material, and cushion material.

Kiddie Stool
> choose stool material
> curve resolution

Kiddie Table
> choose table material
> curve resolution