A set of parametric, commercial coffee brewers and accessories.
Objects & Parameters:
1) Airport Coffee Brewer
– choose materials for: main section (body), base, upper plate, foot, side rail, and on / off switch
2) Airport Coffee Canister
-choose materials for: base, lid, and handle; body; interior; button; and coffee
– choose with or without coffee
– choose lid open or closed
3) Airport Coffee Mug
– choose with or without coffee
– choose materials for: main body, trim, inside mug, and coffee
4) Coffee Double Warmer
– choose materials for: main section (body), warmer, foot, and on / off switch
– choose placement for coffee pot & warmer
5) Coffee Pot
– choose materials for: pot; handle, rim, and spout; and coffee
– choose level of coffee
– choose with or without coffee
6) Pour-Over Coffee Brewer
– choose materials for: main section (body), foot, burner, on / off switch, handle, and top plate
– choose placement for: lower pot, upper pot, and coffee brewer
7) Twin Coffee Urns
– choose materials for: main section (body), secondary metal, plastic tubes, metal tubes, spout, black controls, red controls, line, control background, and foot